Economists emphasize measurable quantities — the number of jobs, the per capita income 经济学家看重的是可测定的量——岗位数量、人均收入等。
They have the world's largest per capita income 他们的人均收入居世界之首。
To achieve the goal of doubling Chinas GDP and per capita income of 2012 by 2020, we need to maintain an annual growth rate of around 7%. 实现2020年国内生产总值和居民人均收入比2010年翻一番的目标,中国经济需要保持年均7%左右的增速。
We will work hard to double the size of the 2010 GDP and per capita income by 2020. 我们将通过努力,到2020年使GDP和居民人均收入比2010年翻一番。
Average per capita income is now more than three times that of rural areas. 城市人均收入是农村的三倍还要多。
In recent years, as the per capita income of Shanghai residents have increased year after year, the consumption structure has undergone fundamental changes. 近年来,随着上海市民人均收入的逐年增加,消费结构发生了根本性的变化。
At independence in1968 Mauritius was poor, with a per capita income of about US$ 260. 1968年独立时,毛里求斯一个穷国,当时人均收入仅为260美元。
The country has the lowest per capita income in the world. 这个国家的人均收入最低。
But then China came to scorn trade and commerce, and per capita income stagnated for600 years. 但之后中国变得轻视贸易和商业,人均收入在长达600年的时间里停滞不前。
Among the states Connecticut has a high per capita income. 各个州当中康涅狄格州的人均收入高一些。
Outside Asia, average per capita income in developing countries will actually decline in1999. 除亚洲外,1999年发展中国家的平均人均收入都会出现实际下降。
Per capita income has grown fivefold. 中国的人均收入增长了4倍。
Technological progress in goods production is necessary to generate per capita income growth. 商品生产中的技术进步是人均收入增长所必须的。
China is a middle-income country at best, with per capita income somewhat below that of Peru. 中国充其量只是一个中等收入国家,人均国民收入比秘鲁还低一点。
In all27 high-burden countries, the costs of treating a single patient vastly exceed average annual per capita income. 在所有27个高负担国家中,一名患者的治疗费用大大超过人均年收入。
Middle-class expansion and the deceleration of population growth has triggered rising per capita income and increasing demand for consumer products. 中产阶层的壮大和人口增长的放缓,促成了人均收入的提高和消费品需求的增长。
The per capita income in the country is very low. 该国人均收入非常低。
Many countries precede ours in per capita income. 许多国家的人均收入超过我国。
There is only so much you can do with per capita income at$ 1,000. 在人均收入1000美元的情况下,你能做的只有这么多。
The average per capita income in Vietnam is U$ 840 per year. 越南的人均收入是每年840美元。
Much of the growth in per capita income levels in low-income Asia reflects the performance of China and India. 在低收入亚洲国家中人均收入水平的提高,在很大程度上归功于中国和印度的实绩。
Its per capita income remains five times that of China. 美国的人均收入仍是中国的五倍。
The United States has one of the highest per capita income. 美国是有平均收入最高的国家之一。
Developing country with per capita income of$ 400 or more. 人均收入在400美元和400美元以上的发展中国家。
PwC said it believed its research was the first to rank cities according to their economic output, taking into account population and average per capita income levels. 普华永道认为,其研究是首次根据经济产出对城市进行排名,同时考虑到人口因素和人均收入水平。
A republic in Central America; noted for low per capita income and illiteracy; politically unstable. 中美洲的一个共和国;人均收入低和文盲多;政局不稳定。
This is a wealthy city, with the fourth highest per capita income in China. 这是个富裕的城市,人均收入居于全国第四。
Whenever population is growing faster than income, per capita income must fall. 当人口增长快于收入增长时,人均收入肯定要下降。